terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2016


Greeting in the name of the Lord Jesus !

Please pray for Nepal Jail Ministry 

    With registration in Nepal government we are growing in national level with gospel and social work. We are working in jails around national level. We have been shearing gospel with our friends in jail we also give them baptism and make them good disciples of Jesus Christ. For the believers in jail we provide them with Iteen course for their strong faith in Jesus Christ.
          Believers, who are freed from jail go to their home village and start a church in their village. We do different programs for the prisoners in jail to encourage them spiritual, moral, mental and physical with creative and personal counselling. Nepal is a country divided into Mountain, Hilly and terai region. And according to this the temperature of some place is hot and some are cold so the head jailer of different jail have asked for our help for  clothes, blankets, mosquito net, books, carpets, fan, sports item, water tank and solar panels too.

We don't have any donor.Would you like to work together.We need your pray and help please remember and help us.

With Regards,
Pastor Jay Deula
President of Nepal Jail Ministry(Nepal Bandi Sewa Sang)
POX 8975 EPC 1067

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